Sunday, December 8, 2019

Peer Review Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity

Question: Descrieb about Peer review on health care provider and faith diversity? Answer: This paper has analyzed the relationship and idea of faith diversity and health care provider. The aim of this paper is to clarify the concept of Buddhist and Christian beliefs in health care system. The author of this paper has explored the similarity and dissimilarity between these religions and how these two religions play a major function in spiritual healing. The author has stated that it is significant to find out the variety associated with different religious beliefs and how these spiritual practices mean to them. The author has also stated about compassionate care, which is very much important and should contain mutual understanding and respect for religious needs. This paper has emphasized on the meaning of the religion and its effect, influence and contribution in daily live; how Christianity views life and how Buddhism views life. After that the paper has correlated the idea of individual religions and compared it with effective concepts. The author has also compared the healing perceptions of individual religions. After the comparison the paper has also included basic questions to understand the similarities and differences of these religions in philosophical ideas (Stover Gingerich, 2009). The questions are discussed in the health care and spiritual context. It is stated that for both the religions two things are common, these are prayers and beliefs. Along with a very good example of a personality the author has nicely elaborated the association of health care and religious faith. By this, the author wanted to mention that health care providers should be careful enough to understand each and individual clients needs and serve them as per their religious beliefs. The author has stated that for holistic care a nurse should be culturally competent. Paragraph wise discussions have made this paper more attractive. In short paragraphs the author has illustrated about care of the sick, the laws and principle associated with it. This paper has included c omparative analysis section; where the author has clearly mentioned about the way the people of both the religions worship their deity. In each and every section this paper has beautify elaborated and maintained a chain wise discussion about spirituality and health care. This paper has provided sufficient evidence to support the hypothesis, which is an association between health care and spiritual diversity. The flow of the paper and sentence structure has immensely helped the reader to understand the basic idea of Christianity and Buddhism in terms of health care (Nazarko, 2006). This paper could be formatted with more attractive way by stating short sub topics at the beginning of each paragraph. This could have helped the reader to understand the concept more efficiently. Finally the paper has focused on the spiritual perspective on healing and adequately compared individual point of views. Ultimately the paper has provided a message that by accepting faith diversity and its effec t on healing and health promotion, the nursing care professionals should express their eagerness in learning differences of other cultures, spirituality and should learn to respect each and every individual involved in health care set up. References Nazarko, L. (2006). As death approaches: Cultural issues.Nurs Residential Care,8(10), 441-444. doi:10.12968/nrec.2006.8.10.21879 Stover Gingerich, B. (2009). Resource Review: Home Health Care Provider: A Guide to Essential Skills.Home Health Care Management Practice,22(1), 75-77. doi:10.1177/1084822309334690

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